Cookie Policy

What is a cookie?
When you visit any web site, the server (where the web site lives) asks your browser if you will accept one or more small text files known as cookies. The text in the file helps the server keep track of what requests come from what user.

Why do we use cookies?
We use cookies to keep track of visitor numbers and patterns of visitor activity on our site. We also use cookies as a means of differentiating between real human users and “spam-bots” - automated programmes which harvest potential email addresses to which their administrators can then send spam emails. Our web site requires that a session cookie is set before accepting any input from our users.

Does this affect my privacy?
We do not attach any identifying or personal information to the cookie, and we do not allow any third parties to access the cookies.

What if I do not want to accept cookies?
The best way to refuse cookies is to instruct your browser (via its settings) to refuse them. As the procedure for doing this varies for each browser (and often for each version of each browser) we are unable to provide instructions to our visitors.

The cookies we use
We use two sets of cookies: a session cookie and Google Analytics cookies.

Session Cookies
The session cookie allows our server to keep track of page requests and of the number of visitors currently accessing the site. This helps our server to allocate appropriate resources to the site.

Google Analytics Cookies
The Google Analytics cookies provide us with data about visitor usage patterns on our site. The visitor remains anonymous. For more information about these cookies, please click here.

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