Gift ideas, evening social events and silver jewellery

Hope everyone had a great Father’s Day and Dads all liked their presents. We always have plenty of ideas for presents, whether they are birthdays, anniversaries or any other occasion.

Don’t forget with the end of the academic year looming we can help you with ideas to remember your year, teachers, lecturers and friends. We can help you, or you can ask us, to create plates, cups or other items with messages and names for you to create as gifts for others or momentos for yourselves.

We have many enquiries for evening activities where you can come along with friends to relax and create works of art whilst supping a glass of wine or anything else you may fancy. We are open late of a Thursday or a Friday, but if there are other nights you fancy then contact us and we’ll see what we can do.

We have also had lots of questions about the silver jewellery. We can make necklaces, bracelets and cufflinks with finger-prints, hand-prints or foot-prints. They are a popular gift as well as being something personal to you.

We hope to see you soon,

Louise and everyone at Creations

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